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docu-series | tv series

Nature's Unnatural Boundaries

A docu-series delving into the intersection of occult beliefs within multicultural landscapes and the overlooked mental health crises overshadowed by enduring superstitions, pushing boundaries of reality and cultural understanding.

Beyond Superstition" is a six-part docu-series that delves deep into the eerie world of the occult and its profound influence on Canadian multiculturalism. By exploring age-old superstitions, like the dreaded "evil eye," brought to Canada by various ethnic communities, the series also confronts the silent crisis of mental health in these communities, whose pleas for help are often stifled by cultural disbelief in conventional medicine. It aims to unravel the complex relationship between superstition, mental health, and societal evolution, challenging viewers to reassess their understanding of reality, belief, and the potent effect of cultural diversity on mental well-being. This isn't just a ghost story; it's a profound exploration into the human psyche, the power of belief, and the shadows that linger in our collective consciousness.

A film by anthony sarracco
